The picture at right is just the September issue of Vogue. I was going to take a picture of all the September mags but they wouldn't fit in frame. And I don't even really go in for the Elles and Marie Claires and Vanity Fairs of the world, but even Real Simple and T Style (that's the New York Times adver-tacular, yo) and the two-week, food-focused (and still adver-tacular) New Yorker made for a big fat offering, perfect for stying inside with and flipping through on a steamy Labor Day weekend. Actually, Vogue is the one I haven't gotten to yet--it's too goddamn big to take with me on planes and trains.
I don't know that any of them are particularly revelatory (though I thought The New Yorker's article on counterfeit antique wines was awesome, but then, I would), but I just never get tired of patent leather mary janes and heather grey sweaters. Every year they bust them out like it's the new new thing, and it's so great, because there's nothing new about it; it's all in my closet anyway.
There are always new fun things though. I'm coveting a nice pencil skirt

and just for the hell of it, something sparkly.
I don't even know where I'd where it--except maybe Vegas, and lord knows I'm always looking for an excuse to go--but it just looks so slick and cool.

Yup, I love me some fall. Now if the temp would just drop below 80. . .
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